
Thursday, December 13, 2012

I am overjoyed to be a woman

In light of recent events perhaps it is time to write again.  I am overjoyed to be a woman, it is what I was born to be.  In fact I'll go even further; I am a mother, an old fashioned stay at home mom who does most of the housework,laundry, and cooking; a wife who is held on a pedestal by her husband who does open doors for me, and who does talk respectfully in front of me, who does provide for us, his family, and who does preside faithfully over us.  I have no shame in asking him to open jars for me, or to get things that are higher than I am.  I have no shame in asking him to carry heavier loads, or to drive when we are both in the car.  I am also grateful my husband is a priesthood holder, which for those who don't know what that is, it is the power to act in God's name.  It is a responsibility, a duty, not a reward for being a man.  It can be a heavy burden to carry for those who honor it, just as the raising of children can be a heavy burden at times for those who truly love and honor their children.  Men who have the priesthood have the duty to watch over and serve those within their care.   It is not an easy task, just as the daily rearing of children is not an easy task.  I would like to illustrate it this way.  This summer my children were helping me weed in the garden.  They did not like the tasks I gave to them and wanted mine, thinking it was either easier or more important than the ones I gave them.  I explained to them that what they were doing was important and needed to be done, and in fact, if they did not I would have to also do theirs which would cause us to finish at a slower pace.  If we switched roles it would also cause us to finish at a slower pace because they did not yet have the strength to do what I was doing.  We were not all born to do the same thing and be the same thing.  Women are women, and men are men.  It is not a politically incorrect statement, it is fact.  This is not to say that women should not be equally paid in the workforce, it also does not mean women should not work, or vote, or have rights.  It means that women are women and men are men, and the sooner we realize this, the sooner we can get past all this garbage that is now the feminist movement.  We have gone way past what I think the early women were fighting for.  It now takes more courage to stand up and be a woman than it does to try to be a man.  Perhaps I am exaggerating, but I do not believe I am.  There is a divine reason we are different, neither role is more important than the other and both are vital to a happy society.  An honorable priesthood holder reveres women, he does not oppress them.  He serves them, he does not rule over them.  He has the weight and responsibility to provide spiritually and temporally for not only his family but all others who are put under is care which for some can be an entire church.  I served a mission, and when I was released from my mission it was as if a heavy weight was lifted from my shoulders.  Honorable priesthood holders never get this release.  God buoy's them up, guides them, and gives them strength to do what they were born to do.  He does the same for women in their roles which are just as vital and important.  If we are all trying to be men, than who will look after these sweet spirits that come to earth that only ask for love and nurturing.  Who will succor the weak, the poor, and the afflicted.  There is in women a natural tendency towards tenderness and nurturing.  While I do recognize that women too can be very different from each other, and for some this tendency comes easier, I believe it is there in us all.  There are differences for a reason, it helps a man and his wife become one.  Where one is weak, the other is strong,and together they can complete the journey.  I stand Tall in who I am.  I am not ashamed, nor do I undermine my task.  I sustain my husband and all honorable priesthood holders.  I pray for them, I pray for women.  I pray that I will be wise enough, and guided enough by God that I can teach my boys to be men and my girls to be women.  I know what they were born to do, and it is my divine duty to teach them that.  I fail all if I fail at this role.  This is not a politically incorrect statement this is fact.

1 comment:

  1. What you say is what Christ would say. I will read and learn. I love you, Mom
